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Gf machinery

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rolling and scoring machine
rolling and scoring machine
Specification: rollling and scoring 340RL
Detail: This machine can form and roll chewing gum sheet from extruder into required thickness or shapes. It is used to produce quality stick gum and chiclets.

cutting and wrapping machine
cutting and wrapping machine
Specification: cutter and wrapper
Detail: This machine is used to cut and wrap formed candy ropes after cooling. The wrapping style is various as double twist, side folding, end folding, which is more or less the same as Nagema EW5 cutter and wrapper

cooling tunnel
cooling tunnel
Specification: cooling tunnel 9L
Detail: The machine is used for cooling down the temperature and take away humidity of bubble gum, chewy candy or the like before cutting and wrapping.

Specification: etruder100/2bg
Detail: This machine is used to form bubble gum ropes or chewing gum slice after mixing.We have several kind of capacity for this machine.

Specification: mixer 300un
Detail: This kind of mixer is used for mixture of bubble gum or chewing gum beofre extrution. We have several kind of capacity mainly ranging from 20 litres to 300 litres for production or lab use. We are able to design according to c...

chewing gum stick wrapper
chewing gum stick wrapper
Specification: skŁ­1000
Detail: stick chewing gum wrapper which is used to packaging chewing gum pieces into sticks like Wrigley. The machine can run very stably and continuously at 700pcs/min, it is the same level as Losch machine Germany but with complete ...
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